Pink is the Tiniest Diamond!



Crewniverse tricked us into thinking that Pink’s palanquin is a lot bigger than it is – same with Pink.  When Blue walks up to her own palanquin, it’s obvious that it’s just the right size for her.  But when she’s next to Pink’s, there are a LOT of optical illusions going on:

  • Blue was kneeling or crouching by it at first, making it look bigger.
  • Blue still looks shorter because she’s slouching.
  • The way the palanquin is leaning makes the roof look higher.
  • The flowers obscure the bottom, making it hard to see just how big it is.
  • The palanquin is on a hill, making it higher, and thus bigger-looking.
  • The legs are extended (the ones on Blue’s were retracted), making it higher.

So let’s break through the illusions and find out just how big it is:

Already we can see that the palanquin is a lot smaller than it initially looks.  Let’s find out how much smaller Pink really is next to Blue.

So it looks like Pink is less than half as tall as Blue.  Probably about halfway up her thigh.  Looks like Pink’s palanquin proves:

  1. The common theory that Pink is the newest Diamond.
  2. A theory I’ve had that the Diamonds, unlike their Gems, grew up.

Looks like Pink is even newer than I thought!  No wonder Blue (and Eyeball and Holly Blue and even Yellow) seem to act as if Pink was especially precious: She’s just a little kid!

To add to this, her chair is super small on the moon base