

I’m gonna take five and talk about the book this is based on, because it is a thing of beauty.

  • It takes place in a universe where people’s asses are sentient and can detach from the body.
  • The book opens with the main character waking up and realising he has no ass. He is not at all surprised by this, because his ass regularly leaves his body while he is asleep and sneaks out of the house.
  • His ass is the leader of a revolutionary group which wants to reclaim the asses’ rightful place in the body, on top of the neck.
  • They cut off a man’s head and swap it with his ass. So he has an ass for his head and a face for an ass. 
  • There is a group of ass-hunters who the main character aspires to join. They all wear prosthetic asses, because they cast aside their own asses in order to confirm their loyalties or something (honestly I don’t quite remember all the details, it’s been a while since I read it)
  • The story is a heartwarming tale of the protagonist teaming up with his own estranged ass in order to combat a greater threat. 
  • It is so dense with ass puns there is a glossary at the end you can refer to that explains what they all refer to. It doesn’t explain the pun, by the way, it explains what the ass-related device or phrase means in the context of the universe.
  • Over time you just become acclimated to all the toilet humour baked into the worldbuilding to the extent that you forget that this riveting tale of love and war is made up entirely of childish nonsense

When I see this bullshit cartoon I am personally offended. Look at that thing. It has a face.

That little shit has never led a class revolt in its life. Christ, it’s three times the thickness of that boy’s waist, there’s no way it could fit onto his body. I bet they made his ass into the zany comic relief guy, rather than the noble and respected team member that he was in the books. 

This is an affront to a classic piece of Australian literature.

More details I just remembered:

  • There is no romantic subplot between the main character and the female lead. There is, however, a romantic subplot between the pair’s estranged asses.
  • Also the female lead has a character arc about regretting throwing her ass away to join the ass-hunting society. In the third book, they discover that her ass was actually sent back in time to the

    Cretaceous Period for reasons I honestly have no recollection of.

  • The ass has no name. He is referred to exclusively as “Zack’s Bum”. This goes for all asses, they are defined entirely by their owner.
  • The second book is about an invasion of zombie asses which plant themselves on people’s backsides and turn them into mindless drones. 
  • You can tell if someone’s a drone because their ass is huge. 
  • The zombie asses hail from Uranus, because of course they do.