





Introducing Sixpenceee Heals

So I noticed how unhappiness can really plague us. Sometimes life throws so many curveballs at us. It prevents us from being happy and free-spirited. I really want to reach out and help people break free of certain negative patterns in their lives, so I’ve created Sixpenceee Heals. I am an extremely intuitive and empathetic individual. I will never judge or disclose any of your problems to anyone. I will help you transcend confusion, and self-limiting beliefs so that you can be the best version of yourself. 

Here’s how it works:

  1. You shoot me an e-mail at, saying you’d like to participate in the Sixpenceee Heals program. Please include “Sixpenceee Heals” on the title line.
  2. I will send you a short survey that you can fill out, that will let me know more about you. It’ll help me to pick up patterns and habits that may not be so clear to you.
  3. You will type up all your major/minor doubts, anything at all that you want clarity on in the present time.
  4. I will take out time to write you an individualized and personal report that will really help and guide you. I will include resources if you need. 
  5. I will also keep in touch with you and follow up with you. I will do my best to help you with the cards that you’ve been dealt. 

Some regulations:

  1. The pricing is $30 per person. 
  2. I will only be taking 10-15 people a month because I will really be spending a lot of time on each person’s reports. It’s a first come-first serve basis. 
  3. This is not in any way a substitution for mental health or medical treatment.

Thank you guys for reading and I really hope to be of service to you all. 

I know your heart is in the right place but this is rubbing me the wrong way for multiple reasons.

  1. This is kind of exploitative. You can’t ask people to spill their worries to you and then charge them $30 for it. It just doesn’t seem right. It’s taking advantage of someone who is so desperate that they’ll go to a horror blogger rather than a professional, and yes, I know that this rate is cheaper than practically any therapist but this brings me on to point 2:
  2. You’re not qualified. At all. As far as I can tell you’re college aged. You need to have qualifications to act as a therapist to someone and as far as I know you don’t have any psychological qualifications. Psychology is a wide subject and even fully trained therapists focus on a few particular aspects. They specialise. You have no training at all, and yet you’re charging for advice? This seems so wrong to me.
  3. This is a lot of pressure and it doesn’t seem appropriate. You don’t know what people are going to confess to you and you don’t know if you’re going to cause yourself distress. Even therapists have therapists, because what they hear can be so troubling that it puts them at risk of stress related breakdowns or depression. You are completely untrained with no professional support system. You cannot be 10-15 people’s therapists.
  4. It’s not fair to the people you talk to. They’re in a very desperate place and to make them rely on you when you have no training and, at best, generic Google resources that they could probably find themselves is really not a nice thing to do. Fair enough if some people just want a shoulder to cry on or someone to rant to, but you’re going to get people with serious issues, too. They deserve better. You mean well but again, you’re not qualified.
  5. It’s dangerous to give advice to people with issues when you only know the bare minimum about them. Therapists and other professionals spend a lot of time with people and really get to know them face to face before they start building up a potential plan. You want to have people fill out a survey and exchange a few emails and write them a report like one of those weird agony aunt websites. It’s not enough.
  6. It’s sort of naive that you think the advice of one unqualified college student (I’m assuming, from your posts) will help and guide people. You mean well but see the above point – if you don’t have a lot of context and knowledge and you’re not qualified, even the most well-meaning advice can be dangerous. Especially when it’s in regards to subjects and issues you have no experience with.

This would be a really lovely thing to do if you were just offering an ear but you’re taking so much responsibility and putting so much liability on yourself. You’re also providing paid therapy services to people when you have no qualifications, and that’s just so exploitative to me. If you want to help people lend an ear, but you can’t charge for being a friend. You certainly can’t charge people for services you have no right to be giving.

I know you mean well but please think about this.

s6pence at it again…. i’m just wondering…. how you can call yourself extremely empathic, pat yourself on the back, and then ask for 30$ from depressed people

Hoooooly fuck lmaooo

Sixpenceee makes horror story posts where the villains are mentally ill people and then has the gall to make this post????? Lmao shut the fuck up 6p

If I’m going to pay someone for a service, I would expect they at least have some qualifications in that service. 

I’m going to have to go with everyone else and say this is a bad idea.

I’ll also add that I’ll listen to people’s problems for free, because I know what it’s like to feel like no-one’s listening, and I don’t want to make a profit off that.