There’s almost nothing about her on google but in this book of Inuit mythology we just read about
the spirit Erdlaversissoq, who will kill you if you laugh at her.And that’s a challenge because she has a humongous giant ass and dances around singing “great is my ass, great is my ass,” stopping to bend over and lick her own buttcrack between verses.
Her butt also has “a family of sea scorpions dangling from it” (I have no idea what they’re translating as “sea scorpion” unless they mean the venomous fish) and also there’s a nose in the middle of her forehead
Another story from the same book (”A Kayak Full of Ghosts”) has a woman who only ever meets shitty worthless men until one day a disembodied skull rolls into her house, and magically turns into a sexy man just long enough for them to “couple wildly.”
He turns back into the skull and then brings her exactly the food she was craving.
…And that’s it, that’s the entire story. She marries the skull, which turns into a sexy dude and feeds her whenever she wants, happily ever after.