how to help sick bee!!




is bee on ground? is bee not moving much?? is bee tired??? help sick bee!!!

  • use paper to pick up bee!
    slide slowly under little bumbly legs and little bumbly body until bee is fully on paper
  • bring bee inside to open window or open door!!!
    when bee is better, bee will fly out!
  • make sugar water for bee!
    mix two (2) to three (3) tablespoons of sugar (can be normal sugar or organic sugar! no artificial, no diet sweetener, no sweetener, just sugar!!!!! no honey either!!!!!!) with one (1) tablespoon of water! stir until sugar dissolves!!!!

  • put sugar water on plate or spoon for bee!
    give to bee! put bee on clean parts of plate or hold spoon near bee! if bee gets stuck in sugar water, use paper to help them get unstuck!

  • let bee drink and rest!!!!!
  • can put a bowl / plate / container of sugar water outside for other bees!!!!! use same two to one (2:1) or three to one (3:1) ratio for mix!!!!!

I tried this but the bee wouldn’t drink the sugarwater. Then I had the brilliant idea “Flowers” so I went out and picked some wildflowers and placed them near it. It didn’t have much energy, but it was able to crawl into one and start drinking the nectar. After sitting on the flower and chilling for a bit, it had the energy from the nectar to fly away.

!!!!! more idea for helping bee friens!