






a hermit crab pokemon that uses the ball you catch it in as its shell with varying def/spdef and secondary typing based on what ball it is

i love it,,

this is perfect holy shit

I felt very inspired so I decided to write down the summary for this pokemon 

Shellulair; The Hermit Crab Pokemon
“These small Pokemon normally avoid conflict, but will not hesitate to attack with its quick pincers if it feels threatened. Their soft bodies are very vulnerable, so they scour the beach-sides looking for discarded pokeballs to use as shells. When a trainer catches them, they will use the new ball as a home and protect their trainer with their life as thanks for giving them the safety within it.”
Height: 0.15 M (0’06")
Weight: 2 lbs (0.9 Kg) (Unshelled Forme)
              2.3 lbs (1 Kg) (Shelled Forme)
Type: Water (Unshelled, Dive ball, Lure ball),
Water/Normal (Poke ball, Great ball, Ultra ball, Fast ball, Friend ball, Level ball, Love ball, Premier ball)
Water/Psychic (Beast ball, Repeat ball)
Water/Dark (Dusk ball, Moon ball)
Water/Fairy (Heal ball, Love ball)
Water/Steel (Heavy ball, Luxury ball)
Water/Bug (Net ball, Nest ball) 
Water/Electric (Quick ball) 
Water/Dragon (Master ball)
Abilites: Run Away/Shell Armor
 Swift Swim (Hidden Ability)

Unshelled: 50 HP, 65 ATK, 50 DEF, 65 SP ATK, 50 SP DEF, 60 SPD, BST 340
Poke ball: 50 HP, 65 ATK, 60 DEF, 65 SP ATK, 60 SP DEF, 60 SPD, BST 360
Great ball: 50 HP, 65 ATK, 70 DEF, 65 SP ATK, 70 SP DEF, 60 SPD, BST 380
Ultra ball: 50 HP, 65 ATK, 80 DEF, 65 SP ATK, 80 SP DEF, 60 SPD, BST 400
Fast ball: 50 HP, 65 ATK, 60 DEF, 65 SP ATK, 60 SP DEF, 80 SPD, BST 380
Friend ball: 50 HP, 65 ATK, 60 DEF, 65 SP ATK, 60 SP DEF, 60 SPD, BST 360
Level ball: 50 HP, 65 ATK, 60 DEF, 65 SP ATK, 60 SP DEF, 60 SPD, BST 360
Love ball: 50 HP, 65 ATK, 60 DEF, 65 SP ATK, 60 SP DEF, 60 SPD, BST 360
Premier ball:50 HP, 65 ATK, 60 DEF, 65 SP ATK, 60 SP DEF, 60 SPD, BST 360
Beast ball: 50 HP, 65 ATK, 50 DEF, 75 SP ATK, 100 SP DEF, 60 SPD, BST 400
Repeat ball: 50 HP, 65 ATK, 60 DEF, 65 SP ATK, 60 SP DEF, 60 SPD, BST 360
Dusk ball: 50 HP, 65 ATK, 80 DEF, 65 SP ATK, 80 SP DEF, 60 SPD, BST 400
Moon ball: 50 HP, 65 ATK, 60 DEF, 65 SP ATK, 60 SP DEF, 60 SPD, BST 360
Heal ball: 60 HP, 65 ATK, 60 DEF, 65 SP ATK, 60 SP DEF, 60 SPD, BST 370
Love ball: 50 HP, 65 ATK, 60 DEF, 65 SP ATK, 60 SP DEF, 60 SPD, BST 360
Heavy ball: 50 HP, 75 ATK, 110 DEF, 65 SP ATK, 50 SP DEF, 50 SPD, BST 400
Luxury ball: 50 HP, 65 ATK, 80 DEF, 65 SP ATK, 80 SP DEF, 60 SPD, BST 400
Net ball: 50 HP, 65 ATK, 70 DEF, 65 SP ATK, 70 SP DEF, 60 SPD, BST 380
Nest ball: 50 HP, 65 ATK, 60 DEF, 65 SP ATK, 60 SP DEF, 60 SPD, BST 360
Quick ball: 50 HP, 65 ATK, 60 DEF, 65 SP ATK, 60 SP DEF, 80 SPD, BST 380
Master ball: 50 HP, 80 ATK, 80 DEF, 80 SP ATK, 80 SP DEF, 80 SPD, BST 450

this is really cool thank you for it!!! i love little things like heavy ball upping attack and lowering speed. just. slam the ball into your enemy

also between the psychic typing, the absurd sp.def, the raise in sp.atk, and just… the beast ball, i think beast balls probably result in your shellulair looking kind of weird overall. like, kind of phasing in and out now and again as if it’s attuning to somewhere else as a home through the beast ball

more of creb (and trying out a color scheme)

EXTREMELY good crab