“Is it normal?” The binding edition




  • Getting winded after walking quickly/upstairs with binder on, but able to catch breath
  • Chafing in the underarm areas
  • Soreness (during or after) in arms, shoulders, or back
  • Increased acne on chest or back
  • Mild anxiety about tightness
  • Chest sagging

No, take it off and rest, see a doctor if problem gets worse or doesn’t go away after taking the binder off (or after one week):

  • Nausea during or after binding, including nausea caused by pain
  • Bruising
  • Out of breath/can’t catch breath when not wearing binder
  • Skin rash
  • Sharp pains in ribs
  • Not able to cough or sneeze
  • Numbness in arms
  • Feeling too tired/sore to do everyday activities
  • Suddenly having any of the above symptoms even if you’ve been binding for years 

No, see a doctor ASAP, could be a sign of serious injury:

  • Anything from the above category if you can just tell/feel something is wrong, better safe than sorry
  • Extreme claustrophobia/panic attacks 
  • Sharp pain in chest/heart skipping beats or beating very fast
  • Not able to breathe  
  • Dizziness
  • Blueness in lips or fingertips
  • Change in shape of ribcage
  • Fainting

good stuff to know if you wear a binder, especially if you’re new to it. this is way more informative than the basic “don’t wear it for more than 8 hours uwu!!!111!!” – although that is also good advice. sometimes the time you keep it on will vary because of your schedule, and you don’t have to panic if that’s the case. just pay attention your body, know what’s safe, and crack your poor back as often as you can.