ok but hear me out, quidditch games in the middle of the night
- all students praying mcgonagall wont find them out
- begging hermione to be the judge of the game
- the students playing IN THEIR PJ’S
- all houses playing together it’s a mess
- draco complaining about everything but begrudgingly having the time of his life
- “malfoy honestly you are gonna slip off that broom in those silk pj’s”
- slytherins and hufflepuffs vs gryffindors and ravenclaws
- they do it almost every friday night
- hagrid watches every single game and cheers for everyone equally
- the house elves all know and prepare them a feast of junk food after every game
- they have sleepovers at each other’s common rooms after the game because they are too exhausted to go to their own
- “can we crash in the slytherin dorm today”
- house unity AT ITS FINEST no one gives a fuck
- they are all tired af but no one wants to go to sleep so SLEEPOVERS
- everyone having extra mattresses under their beds for these occasions
- the paintings helping them sneak out by warning them if there’s a teacher coming or not
- THE TEACHERS NEVER FINDING OUT (actually they all know they just pretend they don’t)