In my searches for THE TRUTH, I’ve done a lot of listening. I’ve listened to haunted houses to hear ghosts from other dimensions. I’ve listened to radio signals from the cosmos for signs of alien life. But on my most recent quest to help the Crystal Gems, I forgot to listen to someone very important: the Crystal Gems. If you wanna help someone else, you can’t make it all about you – no matter how sweet your KATANA BLADES may be! You gotta listen and help spread their words.
I’ve also learned that HUMANS NEED TO SLEEP. I didn’t sleep for 48 hours and I PASSED OUT FOR DAYS. I woke up on the floor in the foyer of my house. My dad said that’s as far as he could drag me with his bad back. From now on, I’m sticking my to normal schedule of 16 hours of sleep a night.
Anyway, if you’re in Beach City, come grab a Ronalphlet and learn how you can help the Crystal Gems!