




Even if you’re unemployed, even if you’re taking time off from school, even if nobody is calling and making plans with you, get out of bed, take a shower, put on clean clothes, wear some cologne or perfume, turn all the lights on, do some laundry, clean up a little bit. 

Doing all this stuff causes a shift in your perspective. Do it in spite of your situation. 

That’s the only way to create sustainable happiness, because if your behavior is dictated by your circumstances, you’re always going to be miserable.

Don’t let the world determine your mindset. Let your mindset determine how you view the world.

This is the most neurotypical shit I’ve ever read

Diagnosed bipolar and major depressive to the point I had to be hospitalized for it but fuck me for tryna keep it positive nahmean cool copypasta tho hate yall

mentally ill person: *trying to cope and recover in practical, pragmatic ways*
someone, inevitably: what kind of neurotypical bullshit is this

a lot of this website has fallen into the trap of equating being pro people who struggle with mental illness with being anti recovery, and even goes so far as to glorify and enable maladaptive symptoms and behaviors.  This is a monumentally  stupid idea.  Illnesses and disorders are called that for a reason.  They are not Cake and Happy Funtimes.  They make you miserable,  they make the people around you miserable, and everything sucks.

Posts that say “Keep trying to do this thing, even when you struggle with it,” are saying that for a reason.  It’s fighting back against the illness, refusing to let it claim you. Yeah, it’s hard!  Yeah, it sucks!  Yeah, it’s okay for you to take a break if you need to!  Yeah, it’s perfectly fine if you can’t do it alone and need to ask for help!  Sometimes lots of help!  But keep fighting.  Keep resisting.  It’s your life at stake.