
what do we do if Donald Trump wins?: a lefty primer (not really a primer because that makes it sound fancier than it really is but also w/e; also, if you have other suggestions on surviving and resisting, feel free to add them!)

1. support the marginalized people around you. ask them what they need, how you can be there for them. if you need support, ask. people who love one another strengthen one another. 

2. get prepared to vote in every non-presidential election that will be open to you. many things are decided at the state and local levels, like school policy and funding, marijuana legalization, issues about gentrification, creation of community review boards for police brutality, etc – just to list things that were votable on my ballot today. also, make sure to vote in 2018 in congressional races! most national policy is determined by the house and senate, so this is massively important.

3. organize. find the thing your heart is telling you is so important to work on, whether that’s Black Lives Matter or standing with Standing Rock or immigration rights or LGBTQ rights or something else – find that thing, find someone who does something about it, and get involved. it doesn’t have to be big; nobody’s asking you to go to one meeting and then do arrestable actions. send a postcard to a representative. show up to a march for an hour or so. maybe make some posters or flyers to hang up around your campus. educate your friends and family on what you believe. 

4. stay safe. there are some of us who will be at far more risk under a Trump administration than will others. if you’re one of those people, please be careful. find allies who are less in danger and can help amplify your ideas. and everyone, everyone – take care of your own physical and mental health. we can’t create a world of respect, community, and safety by refusing to apply those principles to how we treat ourselves.