








Let me guess. Your home? It was. And it was beautiful.
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

Another reason thanos is stupid he could just go back in time to save titan.

Just imagine this dumbass going to the HR department on Titan and suggesting his plan to kill half of the population to solve a food problem. 

Thanos was the 1%

comics!Thanos’ motivation was he was in love with Death

it made so much more sense than this

Exactly @tygermama. Especially since the Russos have said the snap eliminated half the plants and animals. Soooo everything is still the same?

lmaooo….so he deleted half the food supply too….Kevin Feige confirmed it.

Thanks Thanos, you did nothing.


They literally had Hela the GODDESS OF DEATH in the movie immediately prior to IW and she didn’t even die-on screen she could have survived the explosion of Asgard bc LITERAL GODDESS, MORE POWERFUL THAN THOR, like

They didn’t miss the opportunity to make Thanos a devotee/lover of Hela they STUBBED THEIR TOE ON IT IN THE DARK ON THE WAY TO THE BATHROOM, GOT MAD, AND KICKED IT DOWN THE STAIRS

Hela: Did you do it?

Hela: What did it cost

Better movie.