



hey a reminder that sexual intrusive thoughts are not sexual fantasies. sexual fantasies are about what you desire and sexual intrusive thoughts are about what scares you the most and your intrusive thoughts say a hell of a lot more about what you DONT want than about what you do. youre okay and youre safe and youre not whatever it is your intrusive thoughts want you to think you are. youre fine.

if you have a hard time knowing for sure that your intrusive thoughts arent actually fantasies, fantasies will make you feel good. intrusive thoughts wont. if the thoughts scare you, worry you, or stress you out, theyre not fantasies. promise

also groinal responses are a thing and they dont mean you actually want to engage in what your intrusive thoughts are saying

this is so important i dont think most people know about involuntary groinal responses in conjunction with intrusive thoughts/sexual obsessions, and its really important and vital for everyone to know that groinal responses dont indicate desire or interest in the sexual intrusive thought. your intrusive thoughts do not represent your tendencies, desires, interests, or actions you will take, they are your FEARS.