


Everyone: To learn a language you need to speak to people who speak the language!

Me, autistic, anxious, dysphoric about my voice, deathly afraid of humans and struggles to hold a conversation in my fucking native language and needs subtitles for everything: Fuck

Not to derail the point of this post, but as a former language teacher– if you want to learn a new language but can’t actually talk to people who speak the language (or even if you can but just want to give yourself an edge), the best thing to do is expose yourself to authentic input in the target language. This means listening to/ watching/ reading media made for native speakers of the language. Materials designed for language learners are easier to process, but they can also be miles away from how the language is actually used. Watch tv, listen to music, read news articles. even if you’re just engaging with children’s media in the target language, or you’re watching with subtitles, you’re using the language in the same way that native speakers do, and that’s almost as good (and oftentimes way more accessible) than talking with native speakers.

That’s actually REALLY helpful, thank you!