

did you know that most- if not all autism-friendly advocacy groups suggest parents with autistic kids seek out characters with similar traits to them and say “look this character is autistic like you!!” and has been proven to help the child and parents accept and accomodate their autism and improves mental health 

so like. shitting on autistic people for headcanoning characters as autistic and identifying with those characters and getting excited about possibly autistic characters is ableist and discouraging autistics from accepting and loving themselves

adding onto this as an autistic person

headcanoning people as neurodivergent literally harms no one, and helps the person who is headcanoning someone as having a neurodivergency, especially autism, much more than it could ever hurt any nt’s feelings.

if you’re offended by an autistic person wanting to have a character be like them, possibly examine why you’re against seeing your favorite characters as being autistic.