proof ho-oh is superior to lugia







ho-oh keeps his shit ass gerbil children (entei, raikou, suicune) in line, unlike lugia, who can’t control his fucking nightmare spawn, moltres, articuno, and zapdos

Compare that to Arceus who had to banish one of their spawn into it’s own damn pocket dimension that doesn’t comply with the physics of the world Arceus created. 

new dad tier system

good tier/ho-oh: lets you have your space, gave you structure and life skills so that you could be a successful adult

mid tier/lugia: means well but no one was given any emotional skills and thus no one understands conflict resolution

shit tier/arceus: locks you out of the house for embarrassing them in public

Bad tier/Regigigas: locks you up in your room with an annoying puzzle lock and no food, then leaves the country and falls asleep where no one can find him.

i think regigigas is somehow below shit tier

authoritative tier/rayquaza: lets you do you for the most part. but heaven help you if you start shit, especially if you and your sibling start squabbling