The first images from CoroCoro have leaked and have revealed the latest news on Sun & Moon. As always, do note that translations are preliminary while we work on them. The bear is called Kiteruguma and is Normal/Fighting with the abilities Fluffy and Klutz, while the ghost is Mimitsukiyu and is Ghost/Fairy. It has the ability called Disguise.
People in Alola are scared of Kiteruguma to the point of having warning signs about it. It is really strong and can break anytthing in two. It likes to hug its trainers but is strong. Raising one puts your life in danger.
Mimitsukiyu hates sunlight, preferring dark places. It is rumoured that the cloth covering its body is a strategy to avoid the sun. Don’t try to remove the cloth it is said that those that do become afflicted with an illness . We’ll bring more as it comesSource:Serebii