



Current Mood: being annoyed that ice is a mineral like what the FUCK

excuse me what

Bro okay so I was talking with this kid. Opened my eyes. Some SHIT, man. I fuckin. Okay so we’re chillin in the kitchen of a church and I grab a frozen water bottle and he goes “haha that’s frozen. You can’t drink ice”
“I know”

And some silence passes and he goes “bro you know ice is a mineral?”

“That’s bullshit”

“No it is”

“No it’s not”

“You callin’ me a liar? We were talking about it in class the other day. Look it up!”

“It’s just the solid form of water though?”

And I looked it up, confident and wondering if this kid was still high from the day before
But there it was. Ice is a mineral.

A mineral is a naturally occurring solid with a definite chemical formula.

Fuck, man. You know what that sounds like? Ice. Can’t believe this.

im signing out