Listen. Until your cishet ace people have an entire race of people trying to erase your history for centuries and kill you and oversexualize you and demonize you and constantly attack you PHYSICALLY and make laws against you and get you profiled by police and attacked sexually/physically by the police due to your asexuality then you can tell me its the same. Cause literally thats what colonialism has done and is still continuing to do. How exactly is it the same? You can’t take away context




//im not answering this rn

//ill leave it for the adulting asexuals


//anyone really

Yes, don’t erase context.

The context that this overwhelming affects trans women. Trans people, in general, like the person you’re screaming at with your incoherent, impotent, child-like tantrum. But, most important, trans women of color, which is where your little colonialism argument actually comes into play.

Like how many aces of color are told they literally can’t be ace because the people of their race are too sexual for that. Or how aces of color already risk immense levels of sexual violence on the basis of their race alone, and I can only imagine how much worse things go when someone finds out they’re ace. How our already tiny amount of representation is overwhelmingly in the form of white men, and a large portion of their race’s representation is entirely sexualized for the consumption of white people.

Or, for just general aces, how a plethora of states still give grounds for a divorce if your marriage has never been consummated. Or how asexuality is still in the DSM despite a tiny little addition at the end where you can’t be diagnosed if you identify as it, so see our lack of representation for why that’s a problem. Or how one of only two studies ever done about us reports our systemic discrimination and hatred for a number of tested areas is beyond or tied (with bi people) for every single category compared to other sexualities (in the GL, at least). Or just take a cursory look through our blog and count how many times we’ve had to recommend a suicide hotline to someone in the last month alone (removing several instances of when we did it to someone off anon without posting, of course).

Meanwhile, gay and lesbian folks can get away with saying bullshit like this ask while bolstering their numbers of abuse and hate by absorbing bi and trans statistics, while simultaneously taking all the federal funding they receive for their organizations, leaving the trans groups with scraps (because the transgenders are useful for the moment) and leave the bi groups with absolutely fucking nothing. It should also be mentioned how bi people make up about half of all LGB people, so if we’re being logical, they should get at least half the funding between the three groups (also a hefty percentage of trans people are bi, around 20%).

So you can sit there and either be one of these people or their token lapdog, ignoring all this and ignoring how misleading and downright despicable your attitude and assertions are, or you can decide to shut your mouth for once and actually try to learn history. Such as the simple fact that straight people don’t give a shit about your specific orientation or gender, just that it’s “not normal”. So while you and your ilk stand around circlejering about some imagined oppression ladder (with a rather odd numbering system for those rungs, I might add) and whether someone’s Gay Enough to be in your club, you can actively ignore how everyone’s dying and suffering out there by people actually doing the oppressing.

Your willful, cowardly ignorance and disingenuous use of race, gender, and other sexualities to fight against other vulnerable people is sickening.