- odysseus wasn’t smart for coming up with the trojan horse, he was just really into vore
- all myths involving zeus turning into animals to seduce lovers were actually just invented by a very religious sect of furries
- when socrates said that he only knows that he knows nothing, he wasn’t being philosophical; he was actually just a dumbass but everyone thought he was being serious about it
- julius caesar wasn’t assassinated for being a dictator, it was actually just that everyone was tired of getting cucked by him (which is a thing that happened with some frequency apparently)
- the real reason that many ancient greek vases show faces in profile isn’t a stylistic choice or a limitation of the medium, it’s just that no greek artists wanted to have to try drawing the second eye
It’s not that greek artists didnt want to draw the other eye, it’s that none of them had one. In this essay, that i have titled “Flat Ancient Greek Theory” i w
wheres the fucking essay