






“if u like him why dont u just go talk to him!!!! have u been hurt in the past!! are u scared of putting urself out there!!!!!” no b icth im ugly leave me alon e

“If you get an [arousal], why don’t you just go talk to [insert person]? Have you been hurt in the past? Are you scared of putting yourself out there?”


“I’m antisocial, introverted, and have a poor self image of myself.”

don’t u dare translate my text posts only a select few will understand them it’s called survival of the fittest

No this is how we spread the improper use of grammar, punctuation, and use of a space bar. That isn’t survival of the fittest, it’s just advertising that what you have to say isn’t important enough for you to say it right, so why did I even bother reading it if you don’t even care that much.

listen, i didn’t decide to be ugly just to log onto tumblr dot com and have ur rata tootie ass tell me what 2 do. i once fought MULTIPLE MALE models at chuck e cheese SIMULTANEOUSLY, lost, and cried VERY hard 2 my landlord martha on the phone so don’t u DARE come at me about spelling

I don’t think you have ever done any of that. I’m so tired of this generation feeling like they need to make things up to get attention. Go outside, change the world instead of trying to get followers on a blog site. I hope you learn to be more mature when faced with criticism in the future. :/

nice try kristen,, i may be on tumble but dont u ever think for a seconf that i;m not thinking about thos beans