In-Ear Device That Translates Foreign Languages In Real Time



In an internationally conscious and highly connected world, learning a second or this language has become a necessity as well as an impressive talent. Sometimes we find ourselves in awkward situations, when we misinterpret a phrase, after forgetting all those years of foreign language classes in our teens.

But thank you to technology there is a translation device that easily fits into your ear. Take a look at how this wonderfully clever and useful piece of technology works.

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yo there are huge fuckin red flags everywhere because like

what even is this company selling?

the translation software? There’s literally no way this will work any better than Google Translate, and here’s why. And given that they’re a small startup, not a high-budget team of researchers, programmers, linguists, etc., if they try to make their own translation software, it will definitely be absolute garbage. So they have absolutely no fucking reason to reinvent translation software because this already exists.

the bluetooth earbuds?? if so why the hell are they charging FUCKING $100+ for it when, again, this already exists.

And one of the most immediate red flags is the claim that this is designed to work offline. There’s a reason products like Google and Siri have huge server farms to deal with voice recognition, because voice recognition itself is a hell of a complex problem to solve that needs terabytes of data to work accurately with different accents, let alone with different languages. Otherwise it’ll end up mis-hearing half of the words you say like this all over again.

And in the FAQ they listed a bunch of languages they’d be supporting, including eventual support for “East Asian” (there are so many different east asian languages wtf??) and “African” (I’m at a loss. i give up)

Basically this is just 100% marketing/PR bullshit. They’re going to be doing an indiegogo campaign to scam people out of their money. Please don’t fall victim to this.