Hi all, breaking from my usual content for a bit, but it’s for a good cause.
Some of you may have heard of this Kickstarter Project for a game called “Lynn and the Spirits of Inao”. The game has gorgeous art style which I think would make it successful among the crowd of this website, but I have to urge you to not support the project as it seems to be the fruit of really shady practices. To go into detail : the project creator seems to have exploited unpaid interns to do the whole job, having them work in shitty conditions in his apartment, without any plans of crediting or rewarding them at all, and by threatening them to give them bad internship reviews should they bail out on the project. This includes students from my school (which is why I heard of this story in the first place).
I’m posting this here because right now the story is circulating in the French-speaking communities but has yet to reach the English-speaking spheres. So if you read this, for the sake of protecting the rights of young artists, interns and other young job-seekers, please try to get the word out about these abject practices. And if you supported this project, I Humbly urge you to consider canceling your pledge.
Don’t hesitate to contact me in a private message if you want more information on the matter, and I’ll try my best to answer your questions or at least direct you towards people who are more directly concerned by the whole affair.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, sorry for the long post, and have a good rest of your day.
A French studio has no employee and rely only on unpaid interns since several years and it’s totally illegal in France.
The story above is entierely true ! At least 3 peoples in my school have done internship there at different time and they all say the same thing !!
The guy who rules the studio told this morning to the interns still working at his home to not come for a week and he have deleted his studio facebook page.
I think he his running away because the students are planning to press charges against him so don’t let him running away with your money !!
I explained the thing a little in detail in a comment on a KickStarter (because I’m far from being tumblr famous). I’m put this here.
Thanks to many French people relaying the information on social medias, well-known French video games website are making articles about it so I think it’s okay… But !
There is more than 800 americans and about 450 peoples from others country backing this fake project ! !!! I don’t think this affair already reached english websites so share this and let them kown !!!