



To all the new fans who didn’t read the book or listened to the audio drama: Crowley is NOT cool, I repeat, the demon Crowley is absolutely not cool. And Aziraphale is an asshole.

David Tennant when asked which of his characters of the past resemble Crowley:
“The only character, I think, is Peter Vincent in the movie Fright Night. He’s a bit rock-n-roll and he thinks he’s really cool, but actually, he is not cool at all. He is rather soft and rather sweet underneath a very swaggery exterior. So there are elements of that to Crowley.” (NYCC)

to clear up misconceptions about Crowley being cool:

Crowley once heard that you can make plants grow better by talking to them. So he decided to put this into practice. Once a month he looks around his apartment and selects the most weedy and underperforming plant, then carries it around to show all the other plants while talking aloud very menacingly  about what a shame it was that this one couldn’t make the cut,  then leave and close the door very ominously behind him.

All of Crowley’s plants grow fantastically well because they are the most terrified plants in London. But I would genuinely ask you to consider the vision of David Tennant, wearing those glasses, walking around an apartment holding a potted plant while making Godfather-style pronouncements to other plants, before making any decisions about Crowley being cool.

bold of you to say this behaviour isn’t cool af