
This scene really is an example of something that was “eh, kinda funny” at the time but heart-stoppingly hilarious in retrospect. The more you think about it the funnier it gets.

First of all, remember that THAT IS BILL right there, flinching in horror at the sight of Stan feeding a cracker to Mr. Tummy. We know it’s Bill because “Soos” here stays with Mabel until the real Soos shows up. That’s Bill. That’s a cosmic horror from beyond time and space disturbed by Stan’s stupid tummy.

Second please allow me to direct your attention to Xyler and Craz because their expressions are pure gold. Xyler (he’s…he’s the blond one, right? I think he’s the blond one?) looks about as freaked out as Bill does, but Craz is apparently intrigued?? I mean just look at his fucking face, that’s the face of someone making an earnest attempt to puzzle out what is going on here. He’s like “yes…yes, food does go in the tummy. But something’s off about all this. What am I missing here?!”

Probably my favorite part is that in retrospect, this was probably a clue that this wasn’t the real Soos. Because I mean, come on, the real Soos wouldn’t be disgusted by this at all. This man helps Stan into his girdle and comes to his aid when he needs to scratch himself in three places at once. The real Soos would have probably just laughed and said “heheh, yeah, I do that too sometimes only I feed it nachos.”

And then there’s the fact that this is some next-level mental subterfuge on Stan’s part. I swear, Stan is the sneakiest old man that ever lived. Besides the code to the safe, Stan has TONS of secrets locked away in his mind. The portal, his brother, his real name…what we can only assume are thousands upon thousands of memories of him committing a variety of crimes that he wouldn’t want out in the open. 

So what’s behind the door labelled “Top Secret”? A memory of him doing something gross and ridiculous to basically mock anyone who actually tried finding out his secrets by looking behind it.