if finn and poe were played by two white guys and kylo and hux were played by black and latino men i 100% assure you no one would have latched onto general “side character who has maybe a handful of lines and is generally unpleasant and unforgivably evil” hux as much as they have to fill up his ao3 tag with over a thousand fics centered around him. it’s so frustrating that even when the white guy characters are, for once, sidelined to barely any lines and deplorable personalities, they still get proportionately more love and attention from the fanbase than beautifully written and portrayed black and latino main characters.
Finn, a black MAIN character has less fics with him than Hux does on ao3
you know i actually thought “that can’t REALLY be correct”, like i’ve been saying “proportionately" to refer to their respective number of lines and on screen appearances vs the size of their fanbase. but then i actually checked