There is a gofundme for Kesha– so it would be great if you guys could reblog this to get the word out if you can’t donate yourself. There’s a FAQ on the gofundme itself so go there and look before you ask me any questions.
I am not affiliated with the creator of the gofundme, but I am all for it.
Guys, this is almost certainly a scam, and if it’s not, it’s a particularly naive and very flawed way of trying to help Ke$ha.*
*I’ve worked in entertainment for a while, in both a production capacity and with agents. I have a working background within knowledges of entertainment contracts and aritst management of at least 5-6 years. tl;dr I know what I’m talking about here.
The three major flaws with this GoFundMe are
1) The fact this man knows absolutely no one, not a Sony representative, nor Ke$ha herself outside of tweeting her, personally. This is a major red flag to be completely honest! Any attitude of ‘we’ll raise the money and sort out the nitty gritty later’ is full of shit, and not something you should trust.
2) The fact that he himself admits he does not know if the contract is for sale, which it almost certainly isn’t. With ALL the shitty legal fighting Sony is doing to hold onto Ke$ha’s contract, I guarantee you whatever money raised for it has already been offered by herself to buy herself out – which they clearly do not want, considering that it would allow her to say certain things outside of a courtroom, which her contract already states. This dude has no idea how legality in regards to talent contracts work. He claims if they can’t buy the contract, they’ll donate to Ke$ha’s legal fund (which you don’t need to be part of a crowdfund to do!) which is just a little bit suspicious considering the POINT of the fundraising is to buy a contract without knowing anyone from Sony or knowing how much the price would be.
So basically he’s asking people to donate a shit ton of money, up to 2 million dollars, for something that may not at all be feasible nor an option.
3) His ‘proof’ that it’s not a scam are merely two sets of tweets to Ke$ha’s mother and her, THAT SHE DID NOT RESPOND TO. Thi
There are plenty of ways to help Ke$ha – promoting donating to her family’s legal fees BY YOURSELF rather than a suspicious crowdfunding effort is one of them. Raising awareness on how the music industry and industry contracts work is another way, which this person and the many people who shared this do not have.
I’m not attacking this man’s attempt to help if it is genuine, but this seems like massive ignornace on the knowledge of how entertainment works coupled with very suspicious fundraising. This white cis dude has never done a fundraiser of this scale, much less I think negotiated the legal terms of selling an artists contract. And the fact that people are encouraging other people who have a very flawed and wrong perception of how legal contracts work is incredibly harmful and can almost certainly be taken advantage of.
But this is not at all a useful solution in an environment where there have been plenty of notable internet scams that have played on the goodwill and good intentions of ignorant people (Dashcon, alex zubat, etc etc). This is not a trustworthy fundraiser and I would be very wary of it.