
– Dipper and Wendy swap hats every year

– Soos and Melody eventually have twins that live in Dipper and Mabel’s old room

– McGucket makes the old Northwest mansion into a mecha because he can…and because Soos hooked him on anime

– Ford and Stan visit the kids for Thanksgiving, which is why you see Mabel making Ford a turkey hand in the credits

– Bill is still kicking around somewhere in Stan’s subconscious, but it’s gonna take him a while to pull himself back together, much less be in a position to do any damage

– Since Soos moved into the Shack, Stan and Ford end up rooming with McGucket whenever they go back to Gravity Falls. Some of the weird creatures end up living in there too. It’s a big mansion.

– Stan still has occasional memory gaps, but he remembers the important stuff – anything to do with his family

– Stan pretended not to remember Ford just to annoy him. Ford is annoyed but hugs him anyway.

– Gideon starts sending his thugs after any bullies, not just ones who pick on him.

– Dipper and Mabel’s parents are understandably annoyed about the pig, but they leave it alone when they realize how much the kids have matured over the past few months. 

– (they are in fact, kind of worried about how much the kids have changed over the summer)

– Bill’s statue is still out in the woods. No one wants to go near it.

– …Except Dipper, who came across it the next summer and hangs out there sometimes when he wants to be alone and needs something to complain at that can’t interrupt him.

– (and if Bill ever meets Dipper again he’s going to have a lot to say about his petty human problems)

– Everyone involved in the circle eventually gets a tattoo of their symbol. They can’t exactly explain why, they just end up doing it on their own.

– Gravity Falls’ location? It’s in your heart.