
A series of illustrations for IAABC (International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants). 

“DOG PARK PROJECT: The IAABC has collaborated with Dr. Jessica Hekman and artist Lili Chin to create a series of posters for use by trainers, dog parks and community dog organizations to promote safety in dog parks and dog play.

The posters, four so far as we begin the collection, are available as PDFs, intended for 11 x 17 printing, and in jpeg form.To download a jpeg to your desktop on a Mac, control+click on the image when the jpeg web page opens.

To download a jpeg to your desktop on a PC, right or shift + click on the image when the jpeg web page opens. IAABC members have free access to these posters, which can be found under “resources” in their user accounts. 

Members are encouraged to distribute these as they see fit to their local dog owner’s groups, dog parks, training centers, veterinary offices, and anywhere else they might be useful.The jpegs are suitable for distribution on Facebook and other social media outlets as well as for placement within other promotional materials.Through this campaign we hope to educate owners in a simple, friendly way, improve safety for the dogs playing in dog parks, and to help make the IAABC a household name for people looking for further help!”