


Listen, I hear what you’re saying, but Young Sam being the deadly combo of his mother’s powerful Ladies Who Organize tendencies, and his father’s stubborn anti-authority pragmatism makes him an ideal community organizer. He’s cheerful and unflagging and drinks coffee at a rate that would impress even Maladict; he has a dartsboard in his office with an iconograph of Lord Downey II pinned to it, and when asked his response is invariably a chilly, “he knows what he did.” 

When you look deeply in his eyes you can see the abyss looking back. 

(It wants to know if you’ve signed that petition yet.)

#discworld#………look mostly I want a discworld novel about young vimes grappling with his own kind of guarding dark#a guarding dark that protects against a more slippery kind of dark; a waiting dark#cool and patient and careless; as in it doesn’t care about the blood or the death or the cost—it only seeks to further its own darkness#the kind of darkness that lingers in locked bank vaults and unsafe mines and private clubs; places where the darkness is a feature#rather than something to be guarded against#yes exactly I want sam vimes the second Kicks Off The Labor Movement#the Vimes Boots Theory of Wealth Inequality deserves nothing less#also I couldn’t figure out how to turn it into a joke#but the reason you can’t call it “grassroots” politics is because there isn’t any grass in ankh-morpork#“cobblestone level” politics is the closest they get  @notbecauseofvictories

cobblestone politics: you pick one up and throw it at the rich bastards keeping you down. then you pick up another one.