
ok maybe this is just me but the notion people have about needing to develop a drawing “style” is so misguided like. getting stuck in a style is one of the biggest problems I feel like I face as an illustrator??? ?

like first off, everyone naturally has a style. it’s like handwriting. you can improve upon it but you don’t need to “find one”, you already have one. secondly, especially if you want to be in comics/animation/illustration, being able to draw diversely is rly important??

styles are just using different symbols to represent something in a simplified manner (for instance, when I draw a nose it isn’t what noses look like in reality, but it translates as a nose to the viewer). but if those symbols aren’t developed out of a real world knowledge of things like anatomy/light/perspective etc., they will inevitably limit you as an artist. like, there is nothing wrong w having a style, as I said, literally everyone has one, but I just. don’t get why this seems to be what people are concerned about “achieving”.

idk I guess what I’m saying is; if you are worried about not having a style, don’t. you already have one, and it’s probably limiting you. focus on consciously improving your drawing practise and try to work outside of your comfort zone as much as possible. (is advice I should give myself more often.)