– Former Minister Nicola Roxon “should get on her broomstick”.
– Journalist Samantha Maiden is a “mad fucking witch” [for reporting a Lib MP’s inappropriate behaviour with a female staffer].
– A scared pregnant refugee rape victim held in Nauru who flew to
Australia for an abortion “made a decision that she didn’t wish to go
ahead with the procedure” and so was flown back abruptly. This was a
lie. Recent documents make clear she had not decided this. He flew her
back anyway.– “Time doesn’t mean anything [to Pacific Islanders]
when you’re about to have water lapping at your door” [due to climate
change]– He walked out of Parliament during the Stolen Generations Apology in protest.
– He was voted our worst Health Minister in 35 years by a poll of doctors.
– His office OK-ed the Border Force patrol of Melbourne streets checking people’s visa, but he apparently didn’t know about it. Which means he’s either lying or incompetent.
This man shouldn’t have the right to use grown-up scissors, let alone cancel citizenship. Sack him.