I hope you guys know that communismkills has a script set up on her page that exploits your computer in order to make it mine bitcoins.
And she still can’t afford gruel
that’s a good reminder to get no coin, an add-on for firefox, chrome and opera that blocks bitcoin mining scripts.
for chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/no-coin-block-miners-on-t/gojamcfopckidlocpkbelmpjcgmbgjcl
for firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/no-coin/
for opera: https://addons.opera.com/en-gb/extensions/details/no-coin/
Alternatively, if you have an adblocker like ublock origin (highly recommend), you should be able to just import this as a custom filter: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/keraf/NoCoin/master/src/blacklist.txt