



Black women something amazing 

Okay, but what professor was such an asshole that they wouldn’t let a woman in labor do a makeup exam? You know someone said some shit and she felt like she HAD to do that exam, labor or no.

OK true story from one of my professors:

She got pregnant while getting her PhD. Not planned, but it would work out that she would do her lit review (where she had a massive list of books she had to spend two hours talking about) a month before her baby was due. Plenty of time, right?

Well, her daughter came a month early. On the day that she scheduled her lit review. So she’s in labor with a baby that’s four weeks early, she calls up her male professors that are going to be doing her lit review, and they say that squeezing a human being out of your vagina isn’t a good enough reason to cancel. She can’t reschedule, they’ll just fail her. And my professor will have none of that. They agree to have the lit review at the hospital, but they kick out all nurses and doctors because you can’t have anyone else in the room. (like the nurses are really going to be secret undercover English professors who will whisper to her answers about Virginia Woolf). So for two hours while my professor was in labor, these male professors are hounding her about early 20th century British literature and the nurses are just about losing it and as soon as it’s finish they rush back in to make sure everything is okay. And the best part of it is that my professor was so focused, so determined to pass and not let her 5 years of work end in a failure, that she says she didn’t feel any pain for those two hours. WHILE IN LABOR.

Fucking men. Seriously.