

weird movie theater customers i have had: 

  • a guy whose total was $19.46. after he saw the number he started ranting to me about how “1946 is the year when the death started in WW2″
  • a guy who came in and yelled at me bcuz my theater “doesn’t change our movies”  and wouldn’t believe me when i told him that we only get 1-2 new movies a week
  • a guy who refused to have me help him after i insinuated that Adam Sandler’s career is dwindling
  • a guy who tried to pay me in arcade tokens. my movie theater doesn’t even use tokens for our arcade games. 
  • (i’m not allowed to let people into the theater unless they have a valid ticket) every single guy who yells at me because “DO I REALLY LOOK LIKE THE TYPE WHO WOULD SNEAK INTO A MOVIE”, storms past me, and immediately tries to sneak into a movie
  • a woman who literally handed me a child and ran away


weird movie theater customers i have had part 2: 

  • a guy who asked me who demanded a full refund of his movie ticket bc there were 5 year olds with their family in a PG13 movie. he threatened to contact our local newspaper & report our misdeeds
  • the photobooth that takes photos of whatever is in front of it & applies a random filter to it. this results in dozens of photos of a solitary bench & movie poster with filters reading “happy bar mitzvah!”. congrats on becoming a jewish 13 year old man, bench
  • an old woman who comes to the theatre each week with a wrinkled, torn popcorn bag from the early 2000s that enables her to get free refills whenever
  • an old man who i caught smoking weed in a theatre who, when i asked him to stop, berated me for stealing “the last of his freedoms”
  • a woman who tried to slice a whole watermelon in the middle of a movie
  • a woman who brought her newborn baby to a the theatre, bought concessions, and then left it on the ddr machine w/o telling anyone while she went to her car to get change
