The Wine Mom Game


Allow me to explain the rules of the Wine Mom game, a game my friends and I have started playing together at sleepovers and junk

Basically, we all pick generic suburban white mom names (Linda, Helen…) and then have a glass of a drink, wine glass optional, and actual wine optional (we’re all too young to drink but….) and go around in a circle of the group, where one mom makes a statement to the one next to them, that mom makes a reply without laughing  and then makes a statement to the next mom and the game goes forward from that.

If you laugh then any moms affected will take a sip from their drink. Once a mom runs out of drink, they are out of the game.

You can say anything as absurd as possible as long as you are in character. For example…

Mom 1: Marsha, my husband has been collecting a bunch of… action figures.

Mom 2: Well, I’m sure he enjoys those big anime titties.

Send me your stories if you play this game. Or tag it as #winemomchallenge