
things i wish were in the HP movies but weren’t:

  • mcgonagall getting stunned 5 times to the chest and surviving
  • lupin and harry fighting at grimmauld place in DH
  • sirius singing “god bless ye merry hippogriffs”
  • peeves
  • firenze teaching divination in a classroom that looked like the forest
  • the entire scene at st. mungos
  • S.P.E.W.
  • ludo bagman and fred and george’s bet with him
  • lupin asking harry to be teddy’s godfather
  • percy coming back to his family
  • molly fighting the boggart and seeing her family and harry dead
  • lupin comforting her
  • lupin’s entire storyline after poa basically
  • rita skeeter being kept in a bottle
  • sybill trelawney’s alcoholism
  • all the time harry spent with sirius in ootp
  • house elves fighting in the battle of hogwarts
  • snape calling lily a mudblood
  • dumbledore’s backstory with his family and grindelwald
  • sirius giving harry the mirror
  • ginny dating dean
  • fred and george pranking dudley
  • harry’s conversation with dumbledore after sirius dies
  • potterwatch
  • tonks and remus’ relationship
  • tom riddle’s full backstory
  • tonks, moody, and lupin seeing harry off at the train station
  • lupin having harry up to his office for tea
  • professor binns, ghost teacher
  • snape repeatedly harrassing his students
  • pigwidgeon
  • ron dressing up the family ghoul to serve as decoy while he was gone
  • de-gnoming
  • charlie weasley saving norberta and taking her to romania
  • harry talking to sirius and lupin about his parents
  • all instances where wizards are completely clueless about muggles