Things I love about the “villain turns good” trope:


  • Ex-villains graduating to “weird
    uncle” status.
  • Ex-villains and hero(es) turning the
    events of previous battles into bizarre inside jokes.
  • Ex-villains embracing the power of
    friendship and love.
  • Ex-villains putting up walls and
    keeping to themselves until the heroes teach them what it means to
    trust someone.
  • Ex-villains messing up and being
    forgiven because redemption is a process, not an endgame.
  • Ex-villains being shy and uncertain
    about their new place as a hero.
    • Bonus: Ex-villains hiding behind their
      hero friends during moments of shyness and uncertainty.
  • Ex-villains being tempted back to the
    dark side only to realize how much their newfound friendships mean to
  • Ex-villains pretending to return to the
    dark side, and using their villain cred to be a mole/saboteur on the
    heroes’ behalf.
  • Ex-villains taking the same skills and
    character traits that made them effective villains and using them for
    • Ex-villains defeating current villains
      by being better at those skills and traits
      than they are.
  • Ex-villains being rejected by almost
    everyone except the very few willing to give them the benefit of the
    • Ex-villains being ferociously
      protective of those few.
  • Ex-villains convincing old allies and friends to follow them to the light side.
  • Ex-villains helping their hero friends
    through guilt and self-doubt by reminding them that your mistakes don’t
    make you and it’s never too late to turn things around.
  • Ex-villains receiving unconditional
    trust and affection from someone small and innocent, and having no
    idea what they’re supposed to do with that.
  • Ex-villains reuniting with heroic loved ones that they don’t have to fight against anymore.
  • Ex-villains looking around at their new
    friends and their new home and having to sit down and ride out a
    sudden wave of powerful emotion because they can’t remember the last
    time they felt content.