





@ boys just so u kno 50s greaser is always a good look . white tee, jeans, hair slicked back , just go for it

FYI, “Greaser” was originally an insult for Mexican-American’s. And the aesthetic was taken from them, too.


That’s so crazy to me. I was taught in all my classes that it was because hey used gel in their hair.

Just like they taught us flappers were rebellious original young women and made no mention of how they stole their style and dance moves from black women

These are both half-truths.

Yes, “greaser” was originally a derogatory term for a Mexican-American…in the 1850s. And almost exclusively in the U.S. southwest. The term fell out of the popular lexicon in the early 1900s. When the term was reinvented and used to describe the subculture, it did specifically refer to their hair.  Their look was created by rock-and-rollers and movie stars, most notably James Dean. Mexican-American pachuco culture was big in the 1950s and coexisted alongside greaser culture. They did, however, both like the same haircuts.

Flappers got their style from Coco Chanel and the film The Flapper. However, the jazz scene was very popular among flappers, and the 20s jazz scene was dominated by black artists. It is entirely possible that, as the 20s went on, the two cultures influenced one another.