
Things I want need in xray and vav season 2 (loosely based on some other posts I’ve seen):

-Jack having raised Mogar and being the one he is looking for

-Dragonface going the Syndrome route and being groomed as Edgar by the Mad King

-Mogar reluctantly saving the super dorks’ asses all the fucking time

-Vav trying to befriend Mogar while Xray bitterly comes up with elaborate schemes to get rid of him

-”Come on, X-Ray! He’s nice!” “*grumbles* He’s about as nice as a stick of dynamite.” “Just give him a chance! You guys could be such better friends!”

-Ash turning out to be evil and Vav struggling to accept it

-Mogar not understanding how civilized society works

Please get this poor bear child some glasses jesus christ

-Xray actually being taught how to fight by Mogar

-Vav almost getting punched in the throat the first time he calls Mogar “his boi”

-Then later Mogar just sorta grunts “you’re my boi, Vav”

-The Mad King helping out the Lads just because they gave him a diet coke or some shit