a short collection of the various last words of the immortal fake ah crew:



  • “hold my beer.”
  • “which one of you fuckers is playing ‘another one bites the dust’ while i bleed out again?!”
  • “you’re all fucking fired.”


  • “you assholes are going to get me killed again, aren’t you.”
  • “i’m assuming the person who forgot to fuel the cargobob is the same person who forgot to pack parachutes.”
  • “everybody has five seconds to buckle up. gavin just bet me ten thousand dollars that i can’t do a barrel roll in a titan.”


  • “oh yeah? you just fucking watch me eat thirty ghost peppers in five minutes.”
  • “gavin, what kind of fucking rescue mission is this?! you shot me in the goddamn chest! i don’t care if it was an accident!”
  • “i mean, yeah, you have a point, but this is gonna be the coolest fucking vine ever.”


  • oooh, look at this scary guy. what are you gonna do, shoot me?“
  • “no, i can totally make that jump, watch.”
  • “oh, hey, ryan’s waking up. dude, do you think he’s gonna be pissed i accidentally shot him during the heist? whoa, wait, ryan, i’m gonna need you to start channeling waffle-o, c’mon, happy waffle-o thoughts—”


  • “ryan, i bet you five thousand dollars you can’t kill all those police officers with this grenade without killing us, too.” 
  • “what? bollocks. you can’t shoot me from there.”
  • “right, so you get me up high enough, and then i’ll jump out of the plane and land at an angle and then i can run down mount chiliad.”


  • [sarcastically imitating] “drop your weapon or we’ll shoot!
  • “ray. ray? ray, look. i’m the ghost rider!”
  • “yikes.”