Carolina: Stares at the leaderboard and tries to make Tex move down to rank -100 with her mind.
York: Tries to actually unlock a lock for once and teach Delta the fine art of smoozing around.
Wash: Looks up pictures of cats and reads over his manual of “How To Be A Dry Humorous and Sarcastic Son of a Bitch”.
Wyoming: Grooms his mustache and does something British. Drink tea while listening to God save the Queen or whatever.
Maine: Polishes his AI collectibles and tries to make things a little more Meta.
CT: Watches Bond movies and conspiracy films.
Florida: Goes jogging with his friends and plays some half-naked volleyball with his coworkers to strengthen their manly bonds.
North Dakota: Tries to keep his sister out of trouble and keeping Theta from learning what sex is.
South Dakota: Keeps getting into trouble by saying dirty things around Theta and not catching people during trust exercises.
Utah: BREATHES AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. Also avoids bubbles.
Georgia: Window-washes and works on his coin collection.
479er: Plays Grand Theft Auto and moves shit around to mess with the guy who has to move it back in the morning.
Counselor: Finds an AI to work out his frustration with ’cause seriously his boss is such a dick.
Director: Laughs evilly and strokes his goatee ’cause man he is such a DICK.