….. Non-straight community, we need to have a conversation.



are a thing.

People’s bodies? aren’t yours to touch without permission. Even in spectrum spaces.

An incomplete list of experiences I have had in spectrum spaces-

* A gay man throwing his arm across my cleavage and telling the bartender to avert his eyes because ‘he just got married.’

* A gay man /grabbing my breasts/ and putting them up on a bar because ‘ Honey, you looked like you needed a rest.’

* A drag queen pulling my shirt down during a show.

* A drag queen motorboating me during the show.

* A woman stopping me as I tried to leave a venue, holding my hands and then my shoulders to tell me I wasn’t allowed to leave because she was a breast woman and my cleavage needed to be at that event.

* A woman grabbing my chest to remark ‘god is kind to let me be in your presence tonight.’

Non straight men?

Just because you aren’t into women, doesn’t mean you can grab women’s bodies and then claim it’s okay because you aren’t into them.

Non straight non-men?

Just because you aren’t a man, doesn’t mean you can grab women’s bodies and then claim it’s okay because you aren’t a man.