The Signs as Agent Washington quotes

Aries: Okay, I’m gonna leave now. Good luck with your empty base and your raging insanity.
Taurus: That was the worst throw, ever… of all time.
Gemini: For as long as I can remember, I’ve been lied to, taken advantage of, shot in the back, and left for dead. And now, I have a way out of all of this. What in the hell makes you think that I’m going to ask for it?
Cancer: You don’t need to treat me like that. I’m not crazy, okay? I’m totally and completely sane. Now if you’ll excuse me I need to go blow up this dead body.
Leo: You can either answer me, or I can have the Meta beat it out of you. Or, I can beat it out of you. I think I’ve earned it.
Virgo: It bounces?! Who designs a gun that bounces!? This has got to be the worst gun ever. Of all time.
Libra: Stop lecturing me, or I will shoot you, and feed you to the Meta.
Scorpio: The people who certified me were the same people that uncertified me. Which, once they needed me, they did. Funny how the system works.
Sagittarius: No. Just the same old feelings. You know, that I had another person in my head, and I got to experience first-hand as their mind unraveled while mixed with my own. That I still have trouble distinguishing between its disintegrating thoughts and mine. You know, the usual.
Capricorn: I’ve already been responsible for enough of their problems in the past, and I’ll be damned before I let you cause any more.
Aquarius: I don’t want to end up like Georgia!
Pisces: Freckles, shake!