Make these 2 things clear to everyone you know: 1) We MUST vote in primaries. If we do not vote in primaries corporatists, oil, and lobbyists win. You will be told by the under-educated that “A vote for bernie is a vote for the Republicans” – this is because they don’t understand the difference between the primary elections, and the actual elections.
The primary decides whether our *THIRD PARTY CANDIDATE* Bernie GETS to replace one of the 2 “parties”, with a man who is against the 2 party system. – That’s the most important part.
Second – Make sure that everyone you know understand this: The youth decide this election. – For the first time in history, there are MORE PEOPLE interested in a 3rd party person breaking the system, than are interested in supporting either of the two parties. 45% of american voters want a win from a third party. Which means that 1) They are within a 3% margin of a totally smashing defeat of the 2-party system, and the establishment’s ACTUAL plan to defeat it is: Hope that nobody notices. All the adults are trained into their stupidity.
When Barak Obama ran he almost doubled young voter turnout. We need just HALF of that to happen again, and for the 3rd-party believers to be united. United. From Anarchists to Libertarians, we need them all to agree to start out, by breaking the system.
THAT’S the primary. – If he gets the votes on the floor, and they REFUSE to give him the nomination? Then we’re at war. Period. We are no longer ruled by consent.
THEN, after he has the nomination, he will have a campaign team. A good one. We want to know who they are and then call them and ask them what they want and then do what they say. To the finish line. That’s about it.
Spread the info, guys. Bernie Sanders COULD actually change America. We need him. Please don’t take a lackadaisical approach to info spreading for the next year – get as many people on board as you have the time to convince!