Meet CryptoLocker. It’s your worst nightmare. A lot of antivirus software, including the big names, cannot yet detect or stop it. If your computer gets it, CryptoLocker takes all your files hostage by encrypting them and giving you a certain amount of time to send a certain amount of money to the man behind the virus.
The encryption is very tidy, and so far seems uncrackable (well, crackable, but it might take a couple centuries). If you tamper with the virus itself, it will pretty much self-destruct and take everything with it. And the way the money is transferred, the dick programmer behind it all for the moment is pretty much uncatchable.
Back up your computer to something like an external hard-drive, or even an internal hard-drive that you just take out and stuff away somewhere for safe keeping. Make sure your antivirus is up to date, avoid skeevy sites, and don’t open random emails. DO NOT download email attachments unless you know exactly what it is, because that seems to be how this is primarily being transmitted.
You can learn more about it here.
We’ve actually run into this at work. It’s extremely aggressive and a major fucking pain to get rid of. One of our guys got infected with it and even paid the company whatever fee they charge to decrypt the files, and due to “an error processing the first payment”, ended up double-charging him (no refunds, of course) and is virtually untrackable.
Literally fuck this guy with a cactus. Like, if you see him, offer to introduce him to your little cactus friend in a quite personal and intimate manner. This shit is FUCKING INEXCUSABLE.
Also, bulk up on your virus protection, limit your porn and illegal cartoon-watching and torrents to safe sites, DO NOT OPEN EMAIL ATTACHMENTS UNLESS YOU’RE EXPECTING THEM, and just be careful in general, cause this one is one of the nastiest viruses around.
I wouldn’t reblog a virus alert unless I was dead serious about how bad it is.
I got an e-mail from my dad about this.
Mandatory reblog.
So the information in this is a little outdated. CryptoLocker CAN BE DEFEATED without just erasing everything on your hard drives or paying the ransom. CryptoLocker encrypts your files with a encryption that is unique to your computer, which sucks cause it made it hard to break. But long story short: A Dutch security firm now has a data base of keys and offers a free service HERE. You send them a encrypted file and your email and they’ll will then email you a decryption key along with a download link to our recovery program that can be used together with the decryption key to repair all encrypted files on your computer.
More Info on CryptoLocker here.
Other Ransomware & Fake Antivirus removal guides can be found on this blokes channel
Also take this as a good reminder to back up important files.Reblogging this good news!
This post has been all over my dash the past few days, it’s good to see someone found a way to help!