


Okay, I think we’re all sick of the biggest “rebuttal” to the issue of allowing transgender kids use the bathroom/locker room of their choice, that rebuttal being “But some boy will pretend to be trans so he can sneak a peek at half-naked girls or worse!”

Let’s break the inanity of that statement down, shall we?

The people who make this claim clearly understand the horny part of the average teenage boy’s mindset, but they fail to remember the huge social pressure that comes with being a teenager of any gender. Look at how actual trans kids are treated: they’re bullied, ostracized, pushed to depression and self-loathing.

If a cis boy tries the “I’ll be trans so I can sneak into the girl’s bathroom” strategy? He’s gotta convince everyone in school of this in order for that to work. Including his peers. The peers that will treat him just like any other trans kid in school. 

Plus, most teen boys with that mindset are super-protective of their masculinity, and wouldn’t risk it just for the off-chance they might see a boob. And if he tells the faculty he’s trans, but assures his friends “Nah, it’s cool, I’m not REALLY a girl”? What, you really think that’s gonna stay secret for long? The ruse would be DOA.

So, yeah, conservative pundits or TERFs who keep using that “Boys will pretend to be girls!” scare tactic: Shut. Up.

(Disclaimer: I’m a cis female who graduated high school years ago, so if anything I’m hypothesizing is wrong, let me know)

The people who make this claim clearly understand the horny part of the average teenage boy’s mindset

, of course that’s all they understand, for them men are walking erect penises and women are walking vaginas.

They also have a sad tendency to confuse genitalia with the brain.