



“Cancer/mental illness/disability affects rich and poor alike.”

Uh, no, it doesn’t. Rich people can afford the treatments and accommodations for those things. Poor people cannot. Get the fuck outta here with that classist shit.

Not to mention a higher proportion of disabled people are in poverty and people in manual jobs are more likely to become disabled, there is a class element to disability that cannot be ignored.


#Fun story: When my aunt was diagnosed with the brain cancer which eventually killed her#the doctors proposed a fairly aggressie form of tretment#that my uncle hadn’t heard of#and he asked the doctor if his (very good) insurance would cover it#and the doctor looked him straight in the eye and said#‘if your insurance didn’t cover it#I wouldn’t even mention it to you’. the resources you have determine your access to healthcare#even your access to knowledge about available healthcare#this means that less affluent people not only don’t receive the highest level of care#they often are not even informed that those higher levels of care EXIST#they just go to the hospital and ‘get treated’#at a lower level of care (via flange5)