



Okay, soooo as a black person, I’ve never had sunburn. Since I’m going to Puerto Rico & it’s hotter annnd i have this thing where if i get toooo hot, I’ll possibly have a subtle allergic type reaction (rare) i decided it would be wise to get some sunscreen…..i stood in the sun screen aisle for 10 minutes not knowing what brand to get or anything. Then i remembered, well of course I’ve never payed attention to the commercials, they don’t advertise to me anyway. Then i turned the corner & saw this. Thank you Palmer’s because no other brand made this statement. -Rena

selfloveguideforblackgirls ?

Actually just for the record, black people can definitely get melanoma! and because of the misconception that people with darker skin tones don’t sunburn, and the fact that suntan lotion is almost never advertised towards anyone besides white people, african american men are, while less likely to get melanoma, more likely to die from it than people with light skin tones. So please wear sunscreen! 

Black people can also get painful sunburns. I know someone who is black who was outside all day playing ingress and she got a bad sunburn. She usually spends time indoors.