
hey guys, this is a bit of a warning. this can be for when you want to rant about something or when youre mentioning someone who is toxic or dangerous. i thought a lot more people knew this but it turns out they dont.

say for example i were to make this post 


the “

ghhhhhhdzdgh” can be interchangeable. you could say that you dont think a youtuber or a tumblr user is all that great. a pretty innocent opinion that isnt tagged so no one will see it, right??

well if i post this, search 

ghhhhhhdzdgh and go onto newest its a different story


thats right, you dont even have to tag things anymore for them to come up in searches! another lovely feature put in by tumblr which, on my old blog, lead to me getting death threats when i made an untagged post about a tumblr user, which lead to that tumblr user liking it and 3 death threats in my inbox and one person saying they knew where i lived and they would get me on my morning commute. pretty dangerous stuff, right?

thats not all, even when you put slashes in the word it turns up 


but if you put dashes it luckily doesnt 


so the reason for this post??? if youre making a personal post without tagging about someone else slashes wont keep you safe from some really sad people who want to make others feel bad from finding it, put dashes instead and it wont come up in the search. its a shame that people have to do their best to stay safe on their own private blogs but we’ve already worked out tumblr doesnt give a shit. this though should hopefully help that little bit more